A career diplomat, Mr. Mohammad Jobayed Hosen joined the Foreign Service of Bangladesh in 2011. He served in different capacities in the territorial as well as functional Wings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. He worked in Southeast Asia Wing, South Asia Wing and Foreign Secretary’s office as Desk Officer/Assistant Secretary.
Mr. Hosen served in Bangladesh Embassy in Tokyo as his first posting abroad. It was followed by Bangladesh Embassy in Abu Dhabi and Bangladesh Assistant High Commission in Agartala. In all these three subsequent postings Mr. Hosen got an extensive exposure on Administration, Finance, Consular Services, Bilateral and Multilateral engagement, as well as Diaspora Management and Public Diplomacy.
Back in Headquarters again, Mr. Hosen served as the Director (Foreign Secretary’s Office) and also as the Director (West Europe & EU Wing).
Mr. Hosen Worked in diverse fields in private, semi-govt and autonomous bodies for various stints before joining the Foreign Service. Heavy industries, Banking, Banking Policy, Micro-credit policies and capacity building of MFI’s etc. were the main areas of his exposure.
Mr. Hosen is married and blessed with a daughter.